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Raising the Roof with FundMajor

Clubs and Charities Raising the Bar

Fundraising Success with FundMajor
Dotser have worked with various organisations over the last decade on campaigns to raise awareness and funds for different causes ranging from fundraising drives to build community centres to mental health awareness and support services. What has evolved from these experiences in a comprehensive fundraising tool that has successfully raised millions in support of local community and voluntary organisations. 

The Fundmajor platform's success has been in its simplicity by harnessing the power of social connectivity enabling supporters to share a link to donation page to their contacts across multiple platforms including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and WhatsApp. For organisers the process is simple and fast with minimal setup required apart from highlighting the campaign details and adding willing participants. The Fundmajor team have worked with different successful models to finetune a winning process to maximise the amount raised.

As with many community, voluntary and charitable organisations it can be difficult to optimise fundraising efforts. Fundmajor enables groups initiate fundraising campaigns quickly and easily with the support of an experienced team, allowing them to continue their grass root support, safe in the knowledge they are raising money in the background with minimal effort.